Monday, October 19, 2009

More C h o c o l a t e Eye Candy. I Fancy


&Then He Cheated... 


One Song That I've Been Listening To Since It Was Played On The Radio, Is, Of Course, Jason Derulo's - Watcha Say.   I Was A Fan Of The Original Song, But His Remake Made Me Fall InLove With It Even More. Nd Yes, We Do Need More Chocolate Men In Our Musical Lives. Especially The Sexxi Ones x]

AND NOW He Has An Official Video For It! (iiMa Learn How To Spin Just Like Him!! hahalmao)


Other Than That, I've Been Living Life... Going Thru College And Realizing That I Just Dont Need To Be Around People Who Bring Me Down 24/7 x]

Also Another Cute Song For You! [JoJo - How You Did It]

`Until Next Time ;x Mwuahz!

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The S u m m u r i z a t i o n, Of R e a l i z a t i o n


(yeah I know, Summurization isn't a word, but it went oh so well *mwuahz*)
&Then She Had A [Reality Check]


`Saddened, Scared, Gasped at that picture? Good, because that's what you call a reality check, during a reality check tears, smiles, and even fears may appear. A few of us get it, and for others, we get reality checks every single second of the day. For those who have never had a reality check, it will hit you so hard that you'll probably run thru a red light during this REALITY CHECK. From deaths to births, a reality check is a sign or a slap in the face from your inner being that tells you that you either need to change something about you and your surroundings, and if you don't, you can either get the greatest blessings or the worst nightmares. For most, its the  N I G H T M A R E S.

`The other night, I had a talk with my net wifey and had a huge reality check that lasted until the next morning. Nd for some reason, I had another reality check that my Aunt who had died about a month ago, is never coming back, at all, what so ever, not even close. For some reason this brought out the bitch in me for the past 2 days to the point where I was close enough to cussing my own mother out, for not allowing us to travel to attend my Aunts funeral.  Then after that, I got a reality check that I should grow up and realize that I'll be seeing her grave when I go back home to NY during the Christmas break.

`After that, till today I've just been getting... too many reality checks. To the point where my sight on life and on others I onced cared for, has completely changed to the point where I'm learning to just not give a shit. looolll (And for those who I still love dearly. HOLLER)

`All in All. Just When You Get That Random Slap From Yourself, Pay Attention To It. It Might Do You Some Good, Eh.

`Until Next Time


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Friday, September 25, 2009

Pay A t t e n t i o n! School Is In S e s s i o n!


&Then There Were The S c a r l e t & G r e y

`Sorry For The Laggy Lateness Of TeH Lazii! But as most of you know, I'm a Sophomore at The Ohio State University, The Home Of The Buckeyes! We'd Probably Be The 1# Best Football Team & School, If We Didn't Let Our Egos Boast So Much. It's been the most hectic days at the OSU campus and I've had more to deal with than I ever had last year, And its only been TWO DAYS.

`Until Something That CATCHES My Eye Pops Out To Let You All Know About It, I'll Be A Bit Slacking. Hopefully During That Time, Kanye and Lil MaMa aka Lil BowWow Wont Inturrupt Me. *rolls her eyes*

`And UNTIL THEN! SL Fashion Lovers, Remember To Go To Those 50 Linden Fridays, They Are  V E R Y Interesting. My RL Folks, There Are More Things Coming Up For You, And My BHS People. .. Make Sure You Check Out The BHS Bloqq For Anything BRAZY.

`There Will Be A New Layout, Newer Musick, And New Bloqqs That I Fav The Most! *points at the right side of this blogg*

`Until Then. GO BUCKEYES!


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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School B o o k s; & Sexxii L o o k s


&then THE BULLDOGS h a d [Homework]Photobucket

`Yes! It's That Time Again For The RP Teen & Staff Of SL. Brazy High School of Creative and Performing Arts Is Back Up And Honestly, Is Amazing. The School Structure, The Staff, The Student Body, The Sports, The Role play Experience. . . Is Something To Look Forward For. Especially The Football Team *winks.*

`Especially With A Student Council This Year, Competition Is A Never Ending Thing At BHS. Because They Strive For The Best.

`And Even Tho Doing Homework Is Dreadful, Im Sure The Senior Class Doesn't Care. . . Because Their Goal! Is To Graduate By Any Means Possible! (The Last Thing We Need Is To Have Super SUPER Seniors, NaMean)

`From Crushes To Homework, From Break-Ups to Push Ups, From Sports Teams To Getting Caught Smoking In Dorms, The Urban Roleplay School Is Here To Stay.

Want More Info On Anything  B R A Z Y? (ii Made A Funny!)  You Can Check Out 'Thee Brazy Blog!' On The Side Panel Of This Blogg. Or Just Simply Click This Link!
Thee Brazy Blog!

`Until Next Time!


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Friday, September 11, 2009

Blueprints, Hot Commercials, Nd A Living Legend On Fuse


 & Then T h e r e Was [Venus vs. Mars]


`Venus vs. Mars has to be my favorite track on the new The Blueprint 3 Album by Jay-Z. My older cousin was able to get it for as soon as it dropped since he works at Best Buy. Nd I LOVE it so far. ND if that wasn't exciting, seeing this commercial was.

Jay-Z Rhapsody Commercial HD (since I cant give yall anything lower than HiDefiniti0n *winks*)


`Signing Off Until Next Time

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New A r t i s t, New F a m e, and New N a m e s [ForBoobz]


& ii Aint A Doll, This Aint A Doll House!


`ii've been a fan of Priscilla Renea's music since my old roommate got me hooked on watching her on youtube. Nd now look at the young ladee! She's doing it big and even bigger with her new SINGLE&VIDEO! ii Actually love them both for the new artist. Hope You Feel The Same.

  vv Check The Video Out On Youtube 
Priscilla Renea - Official Dollhouse Video <3

`Also for those lovely lames who absolutely L O V E to give me the fame that I oh so "deserve". Thank You<3 It goes to show you how much time you truly have on your hands. [g i g g l e s]

`From now on ii Also stopped calling Boobs... boobs or tatas. Now They Will Be Called LOVEBALLOONS!! wewt.

`Until Next Time.

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Net Cells Are C o l d


&then the Lindens made [ a c t i o n s]Photobucket

`FREE AYO GHOST! [c o u g h s]

`& no iiM not being a groupie or funny, assholes. But for those who are in the net world in SL know what iiM talkimg about.. and if you dont? Go to and find out for yourself.

`I'll just say this though,  Second Life needs to learn how to check out and research a report before doing actions, because one day they'll continue to act an ass... and the community wont like it. <3

`Until then, "Don't drop the virtual soap, hun... unless you want your pixel ass handled like a hotdog bun. . .

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