Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New A r t i s t, New F a m e, and New N a m e s [ForBoobz]

& ii Aint A Doll, This Aint A Doll House!


`ii've been a fan of Priscilla Renea's music since my old roommate got me hooked on watching her on youtube. Nd now look at the young ladee! She's doing it big and even bigger with her new SINGLE&VIDEO! ii Actually love them both for the new artist. Hope You Feel The Same.

  vv Check The Video Out On Youtube 
Priscilla Renea - Official Dollhouse Video <3

`Also for those lovely lames who absolutely L O V E to give me the fame that I oh so "deserve". Thank You<3 It goes to show you how much time you truly have on your hands. [g i g g l e s]

`From now on ii Also stopped calling Boobs... boobs or tatas. Now They Will Be Called LOVEBALLOONS!! wewt.

`Until Next Time.