Sunday, September 6, 2009

Before The Calm

& t h e n. the. [girlxladee] screamed a s. a s t o r m wassa .BREWING.Photobucket

Humans and Storms come hand in hand, even if we don't take the time to realize it.

`Just like storms, we happen to have many obstacles, craziness, tears, wetness (giggles) happening in our lives. Well I know I do, and just like storms our emotions can go from the brightest day to the saddest time in history. From calm times to crazy to exciting and wacky moments, we share many things with storms.

`Nd just like Humans all storms aren't alike, they have names, different traits about them that make one unique form the other. They originate from different places and locations.

`iiD like to think we're alike, and that's where I got an idea for this. From the latest fashion to the cheapest grabs, from magazine ads to poetry, from art work to music, from funny to the 'oh-so-sad' from the real world to the net word... ii bring you. . .

` Hurricane Gertrude ;x TeH. Silent.Storm (aka HiDefiniti0n, K.Miles, Bliss)