Monday, September 7, 2009

Why L o v e? Why T h e m?

& w h e n. L O V E struck.  Her Heart Was Stuck On [H i m]Photobucket

Don't You Hate It When You Wake Up With 3 Missed Calls From 4 People... Then Open Your Eyes And Really Find Out It Was Only 2 People. Don't Feel So Loved Do You?

[lol]  Me and my bestie were talking about past relationship and such and current ones. All our current and past relationships were based on hispanic boys.. why? Not sure. They're just [r o m a n t i c s]. 

But anywho, what is it about a guy that makes you so stuck on them that you feel as if you needa text and call them even when you're on the toilet dropping off you're children? [g i g g l e s]

`Some people just need to break that habit [s h r u g g s], thats just me thought. But of course TeH SilentStorm can't talk.
