&Then She Had A [Reality Check]
`Saddened, Scared, Gasped at that picture? Good, because that's what you call a reality check, during a reality check tears, smiles, and even fears may appear. A few of us get it, and for others, we get reality checks every single second of the day. For those who have never had a reality check, it will hit you so hard that you'll probably run thru a red light during this REALITY CHECK. From deaths to births, a reality check is a sign or a slap in the face from your inner being that tells you that you either need to change something about you and your surroundings, and if you don't, you can either get the greatest blessings or the worst nightmares. For most, its the N I G H T M A R E S.
`The other night, I had a talk with my net wifey and had a huge reality check that lasted until the next morning. Nd for some reason, I had another reality check that my Aunt who had died about a month ago, is never coming back, at all, what so ever, not even close. For some reason this brought out the bitch in me for the past 2 days to the point where I was close enough to cussing my own mother out, for not allowing us to travel to attend my Aunts funeral. Then after that, I got a reality check that I should grow up and realize that I'll be seeing her grave when I go back home to NY during the Christmas break.
`After that, till today I've just been getting... too many reality checks. To the point where my sight on life and on others I onced cared for, has completely changed to the point where I'm learning to just not give a shit. looolll (And for those who I still love dearly. HOLLER)
`All in All. Just When You Get That Random Slap From Yourself, Pay Attention To It. It Might Do You Some Good, Eh.
`Until Next Time